Consumer Protection
# The right of appeal in administrative proceedings
Fair and enforceable rules provide the foundation for economic growth and
prosperity. Properly functioning competition is in the interest of both consumers and
companies. Here you will find an overview of government services regarding the right
of appeal.
To Services
If you have indications of possible infringements of cartel law you can send them to the Bundeskartellamt as a submission or complaint.Cartels harm the economy as a whole and consumers in particular. If competitors coordinate their behaviour on a market in order to restrict or eliminate competition, this is known as a cartel. Such agreements between companies are generally prohibited. The Bundeskartellamt prosecutes such cartels and can impose heavy fines on the persons and companies responsible. If you learn of a cartel you can report it to the Bundeskartellamt. You can also provide information anonymously. The Bundeskartellamt will then investigate your tip-off and, under certain circumstances, initiate proceedings. If you are involved in the cartel and help to uncover it, you may, under certain circumstances, be able to get out of the cartel without being punished. This is provided that you did not give the tip anonymously and not through the whistleblower system. Under certain circumstances, restrictive agreements may be exempt from the cartel prohibition. This may be the case, for example, if the agreement improves the production of goods or promotes technical progress and, at the same time, consumers receive a fair share of the resulting benefit. Certain cooperations between small and medium-sized enterprises are also allowed.Sie befinden sich in einem Verwaltungsverfahren mit dem Eisenbahn-Bundesamt (EBA) und benötigen Einsicht in Ihre Verfahrensunterlagen? Dann können Sie Akteneinsicht beim EBA beantragen.