# Employee-related registration requirements
What has to be registered where and how if, for example, the employment
status of one of my employees changes? A number of legal requirements must be
followed, particularly regarding social security for your employees. You can find the
relevant information and services here.
To Services
If you have any questions about the artists' social security contribution, you can contact the Künstlersozialkasse.Are you an employer and planning to send employees abroad temporarily? To ensure that German social security law continues to apply, you must apply for an A1 certificate for your employees.If your employees or the BA require a certificate of employment, you must send this to the BA. The same applies to a secondary income certificate if employees or persons working for you on a self-employed basis have applied for or are receiving current cash benefits.If you want to lend employees to a third party, you need a permit to do so.Do you receive an income outside of agriculture that is more than twelve times the mini-job limit per year? If so, you can be exempted from compulsory insurance with the agricultural pension fund under certain conditions.As an employer, you must register your employees who are subject to social insurance contributions. You will need a company number for this.If your company is registered with the Künstlersozialkasse, you generally have to submit an annual remuneration report. The Künstlersozialkasse needs this report in order to calculate the amount of the artists' social security contribution you have to pay.