# Training and specialised skills
Providing basic and advanced training to your own employees is advantageous
to all involved and is becoming increasingly important given the growing competition
for skilled workers. Here you will find an overview of information about training and
skills certification, as well as relevant government services.
To Services
If you are interested in working in an academic or non-academic health profession abroad, you will need a Certificate of good standing ( Certificate of good standing).Wenn Sie eine Erlaubnis für Luftfahrtpersonal erlangen möchten, müssen Sie eine theoretische Prüfung ablegen.Are you organising an educational event on state policy for federal civil servants and judges? Then you can have your event recognised by the Federal Agency for Civic Education (BpB) as eligible for special leave.If you as a company or exchange organization would like to offer foreign students or university graduates an internship in Germany, you must obtain confirmation from the Federal Employment Agency in advance under certain conditions.If you as a measure provider carry out measures for participation in working life for people with disabilities, you must pay the social insurance contributions. The Employment Agency or the Job Center will reimburse you for the social insurance contributions upon application.The Employer Service of the Federal Employment Agency provides information, advice and support on all aspects of human resources.If you train or further train people with disabilities and severely disabled people in your company, you can receive a subsidy towards their training pay. If you subsequently employ severely disabled people on a permanent basis, you can receive a wage subsidy.