Consumer Protection
# Consumer protection
As a consumer, you want to take part in business transactions without
endangering your health or your economic interests. Consumer protection shields you
from dangers that you would not be able to detect yourself, such as food safety and
product safety issues.
To Services
In case of basic problems with mail or parcel delivery, you can complain to Bundesnetzagentur.Do you have cause for complaint after a train, bus or boat trip? Then you can contact the Federal Railway Authority (EBA).As a customer of an Internet, mobile or fixed network provider, you can find out about your rights and submit inquiries and complaints to the Federal Network Agency.Sie möchten Zugang zu amtlichen Informationen einer Bundesbehörde erhalten? Dann können Sie einen Antrag nach dem Informationsfreiheitsgesetz stellen.As part of your self-determination under data protection law, you can, under certain conditions, demand that bodies that process your personal data must delete your data completely.If you would like to know what personal data is stored about you, you can make use of your right to information and request a comprehensive inspection of your data.If you have a dispute with your telecommunications provider, you can contact the Federal Network Agency's Telecommunications Arbitration Board under certain conditions. It can help to settle the dispute without having to go to court.
These Assistance Services support you in exercising your rights and fulfilling your duties in the European internal market.
The pan-European network of Points of Single Contact can provide you with details of any legal requirements and help you to complete relevant procedures.Contact point for online dispute resolution. Your national contact point for disputes with a company in another country of the EU.The European Consumer Centre (ECC) Germany is your contact point if you have any questions about your rights in Europe or have a dispute with a company based in another EU country, Iceland or Norway. We will help all consumers free of charge.