Consumer Protection
# Court proceedings, criminal complaints and lawsuits
Here you will find information and points of contact for court proceedings,
including assistance with the costs of the proceedings.
To Services
Under certain conditions, you can view the debtor register online in the Joint Enforcement Portal of the federal states.If you have become aware of a crime, whether you yourself have been harmed or have witnessed a crime, you can file a police report online.As an obliged entity under the Money Laundering Act (GwG), you must report cases that indicate money laundering or terrorist financing.If the Central Office for Financial Transaction Investigations (FIU) requests information from you, you must always provide this information.The Central Office for Financial Transaction Investigations (Finance Intelligence Unit, FIU for short) provides the obligated party with feedback on the relevance of its report within a reasonable period of time.
These Assistance Services support you in exercising your rights and fulfilling your duties in the European internal market.
Contact point for online dispute resolution. Your national contact point for disputes with a company in another country of the EU.The European Consumer Centre (ECC) Germany is your contact point if you have any questions about your rights in Europe or have a dispute with a company based in another EU country, Iceland or Norway. We will help all consumers free of charge.