# Care provision
Whether through an accident, a fall or an illness, people often find
themselves suddenly and unexpectedly in need of care. Here you will find information
about care provision and care allowance.
To Services
Following a recognised accident at work or an occupational disease, you can claim reimbursement for related travel and transportation expenses.Wenn Sie pflegebedürftig sind, können Sie unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen Hilfe zur Pflege im Rahmen der Sozialhilfe beantragen.Als Pflegebedürftige oder Pflegebedürftiger in einer ambulanten Wohngruppe erhalten Sie auf Antrag monatlich einen pauschalen Zuschlag.You can receive benefits from the Agricultural Health Insurance Fund (LKK) for company and household help (BHH) if you are absent due to illness, hospital treatment, preventive or rehabilitation treatment by the LKK or due to pregnancy and maternity leave.People who are suffering from a serious, incurable and far-advanced disease and have only a short life expectancy left can, under certain conditions, make use of outpatient or inpatient hospice services.Wenn Sie aus der Versicherung ausscheiden, können Sie auf Antrag in der gesetzlichen Pflegeversicherung versichert bleiben.If you need care as a result of an occupational accident, commuting accident or occupational disease, you can receive care allowance and other benefits from the statutory accident insurance.