# Disability
People with disabilities have a right to live the same way as people
without physical or learning impairments. You will find information and services
related to disability here.
To Services
If you have been assessed as having a degree of disability of at least 50, you can apply for a severely disabled person's pass.If you have a severely disabled person's ID card and its validity is about to expire or has already expired, you must apply to extend the validity period of your severely disabled person's ID card.If you are affected by a disability, you can apply for a determination of your disability under certain conditions. This will also determine the degree of disability.If you are reduced in your earning capacity after an accident at work or due to an occupational disease, you will receive a pension from the statutory accident insurance.Following a recognised accident at work or an occupational disease, you can claim reimbursement for related travel and transportation expenses.If you are severely disabled, you are entitled to free public transport or a vehicle tax reduction under certain conditions.
These Assistance Services support you in exercising your rights and fulfilling your duties in the European internal market.
The Office for the Equal Treatment of EU Workers provides information on living and working in Germany in easy-to-understand language in 11 EU languages.