# Adoption and foster care
Sometimes a child’s biological parents are not in a position to look after
the child. Children in this situation can be cared for by other families on a
permanent or temporary basis. How does adoption work and who can provide advice if
you would like to foster a child?
To Services
Sie haben das alleinige Sorgerecht für Ihr Kind und brauchen eine Bescheinigung (Negativbescheinigung) darüber? Hier erfahren Sie mehr.If you want to adopt a person who is of age, you and the person to be adopted can apply for this at the family court.As an adopted person, you can inspect the files relating to the placement of your adoption yourself from your 16th birthday. Unless the interests of other parties concerned - such as those of your biological parents - conflict with or outweigh this right of access.You are a foster carer and the natural parents want to take the child back with them? Then you can apply to the family court for the child to stay with you.If you want to give your child up for adoption and you are not married to the mother, you can refrain from filing an application for transfer of parental care to yourself after the child's birth. You can declare this even before the birth.