Information about Rights & Duties of Cross-border business activities

What procedures need to be followed when sending workers from an EU country to Germany?

Employers established abroad must submit a notification before workers are employed in certain sectors in Germany.

You can find more information here.

Which authority should be notified of the posting?

The employer must submit the notification to the General Directorate of Customs (Generalzolldirektion).
The notification must be submitted via the Mindestlohn-Meldeportal (Minimum Wage Reporting Portal).  

What information should the notification contain?

An overview of the information to be included in the notification can be found here

This information can be consulted in a structured way on the Minimum Wage Reporting Portal.

Information on the procedural rules and working conditions that employers established abroad must respect when temporarily employing employees in Germany can be found here.

Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs