Assistance Services

As part of the EU Regulation 2018/1724 on the Single Digital Gateway (SDG), the EU member states and the EU Commission must ensure that citizens and companies within the EU can easily access the following support and problem-solving services online support them in exercising their rights in the internal market:

  • Point of Single Contact

    The pan-European network of  Points of Single Contact can provide you with details of any legal requirements and help you to complete relevant procedures.
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  • Product contact points

    On the basis of Regulation (EU) 764/2008, which was/will be replaced by Regulation (EU) 2019/515 from 19.04.2020, product contact points have been established EU-wide for products for which harmonised rules are not yet in place.
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  • Product Contact Points for Construction

    On the basis of Regulation (EU) No 764/2008, which was/will be replaced by Regulation (EU) No 2019/515 from 19/04/2020, Product Contact Points have been established throughout the EU for various product areas, including construction products.
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  • National assistance center for professional qualifications

    The assistance centre provides information for citizens from the EU, the EEA and Switzerland on the recognition of professional qualifications in Germany.
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    The National Contact Point for Cross-Border Healthcare, EU-PATIENTEN.DE, is there to answer your questions about cross-border healthcare free of charge and in a competitively neutral way.
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  • EURES: European network of employment services

    If you are looking for a job, apprenticeship or traineeship in Germany or another European country, or if you are a company looking to recruit European workers, the EURES Network advisers can support you by providing information and advice.
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  • National Contact Point for the European Online Dispute Resolution Platform (ODR)

    Contact point for online dispute resolution. Your national contact point for disputes with a company in another country of the EU.
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  • European Consumer Centre Germany

    The European Consumer Centre (ECC) Germany is your contact point if you have any questions about your rights in Europe or have a dispute with a company based in another EU country, Iceland or Norway. We will help all consumers free of charge.
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  • Office for the Equal Treatment of EU Workers (EU-GS)

    The Office for the Equal Treatment of EU Workers provides information on living and working in Germany in easy-to-understand language in 11 EU languages.
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